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If I Could...

If I Could… 
Art By : Amrita Pattnaik 

I still remember the day when
I was utterly broken
A part of me was screaming inside
A part of me was “unspoken”. 

That pain was peculiar, I bet. 
If I could, I would try to forget. 

With shuddering lips, I said “I love her” 
“How can she do this to me??” 
Friends said “Indeed. 
Alas! She couldn't see”. 

Anger, fear, tears, everything was killing.
If I could, I would channelize those feelings. 

Whining voice, pale face, 
A terrible situation I had been. 
Haunched shoulder & wet eyes, 
Only close friends had seen. 

“Falling in Love” actually became a fall. 
If I could, I would never recall. 

I knew, it will happen one day
But it happened too soon. 
The pain of separation was so fierce
that ‘The Castle of Love’ demolished into dune. 

Yes I forgot that 
the beautiful ‘moon’ controls the sea tide. 
If I could, I would never walk alongside. 

For days, I wept
reading her old letters. 
Friends said “Don't be disheartened. 
You deserve better.”

It was too hard to accept that she is gone. 
If I could, I would try to move on. 

“Gloomy eyes & Sleepless nights” 
I was going through it. 
“It wouldn't be easy to let her go” 
Everybody knew it. 

It will take time to have a new start. 
If I could, I would open up my heart. 

It would be very tough 
at my side to trust. 
How can I forget her, 
First love will always be the First. 

But one day, 
I will accept, smile, laugh & rise above again. 
If I could, I would fall in love again. 
-Deepak Kumar Sahu 
-दीपक कुमार साहू 
01:50:27 AM

Word Meanings 

  • Utterly - Completely 
  • Peculiar - Unique 
  • Shuddering - Trembling / Shivering
  •  Haunched - If you get down on your haunches, you lower yourself towards the ground so that your legs are bent under you and you are balancing on your feet
  • Demolished - Destroyed/Broken 
  • Dune - Hill of sand near the sea or in a desert. 
  • Gloomy - Sad


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Keep it up. Definitely U shall overcome oneday.

  3. You have written the exact feeling of a broken lover. Once I had suffered the same and these words reminded me of that particular time...
    Simply amazing yaar.
    Keep writing.

    1. Thanks a lot manu.
      Glad that you could relate 😊😊

  4. Next time, kuch inspiring likhna deepak..... 😇

  5. Its wondrous bhaiya.😍
    Keep it up.👍

  6. Okay I will try...
    But its not me who chooses the genre, its the overflow of powerful feelings...
    Sometimes its friendship, sometimes its love and sometimes its for social causes also...
    Btw thanks for reading .. Next time I will try my best to present a different kind of poem

  7. Very nice bro..
    Your heart and your pen are very close to each other....

  8. jisne saha hai usine kaha hai or jab kaha hai to kya khub kaha hai... well done Deepak n ya thnks again.. :) and dont worry dis one is one of ur best.. and its a kind of inspiration indeed to love again despite all d hurdles hope u somehow inspire the youngsters or others as well who are still seeking love..
    keep writing keep inspiring ......

    1. Thanks a lot Amrita 😍
      Thanks for that wonderful feedback

  9. Yes age badhna hota he har kisiko ... There ll be ups n down ... After all we have to grow n shine


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