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20 Minutes

20 Minutes
Art By : Ananya Behera

Art By : Amrita Patnaik 

After waiting for so long,
came my busy girl from behind.
She poked me & smiled
I saw her & shined.

I left my bike there
& we chose to walk.
T’was a boon as I got
more time to talk.

Then it started with my lame joke
but I loved it as she laughed.
As I walked with her,
the distance reduced to half.

I went in & quickly brought
coffee and some snacks for us.
T’was my first date,
So, I started to fuss.

She smiled and asked
“How are you?”
I was on cloud nine,
But she had no clue.

A reflection of God
in her simplicity & style.
She looked so good
with her beautiful smile.

She talked along
& I loved listening to her.
As if, I was sitting in
my favourite class of literature.

She was talking incessantly
in between the sips.
She looked cute, when coffee
made a moustache above her lips.

Wind blew, her hairs flew
& came over her face.
That evening my heart
increased its beating pace.

I clicked many pictures
but by blinking my eyes.
Love was there in between,
the hidden truth & spoken lies.

Then all the noises came to still.
It was a state of oblivion.
She was saying something
which I could not listen.

And then her ringtone
broke the peace.
The beautiful evening
was about to cease.

She said “ I’ll have to go,
or else I’ll be late ”.
I said ‘alright’ and
handed her two chocolates.

I had prepared a day before,
What to say & how to say

But forgot everything as
I looked into her eyes.
We walked down the road,
Then she smiled & said ‘bye’.

I tried, but couldn't say
bye with such ease.
And my heart said :
“Don't go please…”

I gazed her walking away
in the meanwhile…
Then she stopped,
turned around and smiled.

I wanted the time
to stop there forever,
Those 20 minutes with her
were my best time ever…

-Deepak Kumar Sahu
06:34:50 PM


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