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A Deep Sigh

A Deep Sigh… 

Coming back to
hostel by train,
looking outside,
the beautiful terrain.

The trees of glory outside the window
seemed coming to me.
Still my day
and my heart was gloomy.

Same boring lectures and
bulky assignments were to come.
Thinking of that situation
was too gruesome.

Running like a metro,
which don't seem me worthy
I know my life will be again
in topsy and turvy.

Living with the big city people
with so little time.
The grumbling crowd
but still seeming to mine.

I recalled, a few days back
Travelling on the same seat
heading towards my home
with great anxiety and great speed.

I saw trees going
back from there
As recovering from
so called the nightmare.

On my way to home,
I was very ill.
Whatever may be the cause
I believed, I would surely heal.

The peace in embracing
my mother was divine.
The pinnacle of her heart
was of no one, but mine.

I could clearly see
smile on her face
I was healed up
by her grace.

The flavour in my mom's food,
the enjoyment playing with siblings,
The love that I got from dad
was above all the feelings.

But coming back was too difficult
It was hard to reveal what I feel.
I conquered my expressions
but tears was hard to conceal.

With a fake smile
I bid them bye.
Wept out the tears
and took only "A Deep Sigh".
-Deepak Kumar Sahu 


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