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I Just Wonder

From Kashmir and Ladakh in the north to Kanyakumari in the south,
With Arunachal in the East to the submerged Dwarka in the west,
Embracing the islands of Lakshadweep and Andaman,
You are so vast , O Mother!
With all sorts of altitude and terrain,
With all sorts of faith and beliefs.
With diversity in ethnicity ,
And in tongue and custom.
How we still remain united by a single force,
O Mother! I just wonder..
Yet there are some who still
Try with all their might to weaken
This force of unity and integrity.
They rebel against each other
On the basis of faith and religion.
Not realising that we follow different paths
Just to attain the same destination,
Which we all seek and are taught to seek.
They are ignorant of the fact
That our scriptures speak of the one same God.
When these evil sons of yours
Pose a question mark on the secularism
O Mother! I just wonder..

Then there are some who live and prosper in your bosom,
Yet speak the language of the enemies of a different nation.
They raise slogans against you.
They try to humiliate and insult you.
They treat terrorists as martyrs,
By forgetting the true martyrs who laid
Their valuable lives at your service.
They consider speaking against you as a fashion.
But in spite of all these how can you still remain patient
O Mother! I just wonder..

You are guarded on your borders from all sides,
By your brave sons of the forces.
The Army protecting you in hostile conditions
Of Siachen and Rann of Kutch.
The Air force shielding you in the air,
The Navy men sailing the seas,
Defending their native land.
Ready to sacrifice their lives
For the subsistence of your children,
For the well being of their brothers and sisters.
But these wretched people try to disparage them
Accusing them of heinous acts.
Still these brave men without any complaint
When walk to the borders to face their fate
Ready to take bullets in their chest.
Having enemies in the front as well as on their back,
O Mother! I just wonder..

When will our countrymen unite again,
And hail “VANDE MATARAM” in one voice.
When will that fraternity and harmony
Take birth again in this pious land.
When will they remember the martyrdom
Of those countless soldiers who left their towns
With a smiling face devoid of any fear,
And returned again to the same town
But this time in their coffins wrapped in tricolour.
It has been said, the decline of civilisations
Is not as much due to the forces outside
Than due to the treachery within.
Even if I rebuke and reprimand them,
It won't better the situation.
I can just hope and pray the Almighty,
To show them the right path ,
So that they can also contribute for the nation.
Listening to these issues puts me in deep agony
But my hands are frozen since I am just a single citizen
Of this nation just like the others and now,
O Mother! All I can do is just wonder..


  1. Beautiful Poem & Strong Vocabulary. One of the best on patriotism.

  2. Wonderful poem, the very essence of our existence in this dog -eat dog live world is our nation...
    Jai hind����


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