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When the hands of farmers are filled with expertise,
In providing the people of India and abroad,
With food to destroy the hunger.
When the virus of patriotism has infected every individual,
Forcing them to sacrifice their time and life
For the society and the nation,
By removing the word impossible from their minds.
To witness it in India,

When people are satisfied by good governance,
And they know to stand up for their rights
To fight against humiliation and injustice.
Where street lights of knowledge illuminate
Every road that leads to enlightenment;
When corruption remains only in history books
For students to learn and not to practise.
To experience it in India,

Where the atmosphere is filled with love and peace,
With goodwill and benevolence ruling the land.
The land whose citizens toil hard
To taste the sweet of prosperity,
With a smile on their face, free from any worries
Of health or employment or livelihood.
A land where the sun rises with content to start the day.
For that day in India,

Where education has reached the door of every house,
With equal opportunities to one and all,
Based on talent and ability.
When women are respected everywhere,
By placing them at the top;
Making them fit to match shoulders with a man,
And not letting them to be subdued any more.
For that widespread women empowerment in India,

Where justice is meted out equally,
Without any discrimination.
The narrow minded walls of communalism is all broken,
With no plans to rebuild.
When the nation is in safe hands
And people at night lost in slumber,
Devoid of tension or insecurity.
For that tranquil night in India,

When every young mind is aware of the past and present,
Determined with a motive to better the future.
Taking a pledge to endeavour towards excellence
By perseverance, self confidence and faith in GOD.
So that one day they may be capable
Of serving their motherland
And filling it with affluence.
To see such zeal in the youth of India,

I am still waiting
And I shall have to wait long
To get my dreams fulfilled.
It is the duty of every single Indian
To have the wounds of my wait healed.
Therefore my friends be fearless and never lose hope
Even at the mouth of a cannon,
With the slogan “INDIA FIRST”
Keep marching on.


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