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Many Happy Returns

Many Happy Returns

You were born
as my little brother.
But always acted
like an elder brother.

I am nine hundred fifty six
days older than you.
But still two inches
shorter than you.

You are the one with whom
I spent my childhood.
We shared everything
From sweetest memories to delicious food.

Whenever you got chocolates,
You brought half for me.
You had always been
“Smile, Happiness & laugh” for me.

You always said
“paddle as fast as you can”
Sitting on my cycle’s back seat.
And whenever we fell,
You were the first one to beat.

I can never forget the cricket matches,
we played together inside our room.
I still don't remember… Those 2 glasses
Of cupboard were broken by whom??

Time passed & we had
a lot of laughs & a lot of fights.
Those slaps & punches!!
We can never forget… right?

Your anger was always the worst
And the best thing about you.
The kindness behind that rage
Can only be seen by few.

“We look alike”, the world says
But you are more handsome, I admit.
You can make anyone laugh.
You’re gifted with that wit.

Whenever I was in front of mirror
You said “You don't have fashion sense”
And when you said “तुमसे ना हो पाएगा”
I had nothing left to say in defence.

Whenever I told you to do something,
You said “No”
but completed my work before time.
You being Sherlock, I being Mycroft,
Thanks for helping…. Brother Mine!!

I always laugh when you say
“Get a job soon & give me money too.
But I doubt, who will give a job
to a dumb like you.”

You’re my favourite companion
at all the wedding receptions
I never feel alone with you
On such special occasions.

Whenever we travelled together in bike
You always said “Get back, I’ll drive”
And each time I sat behind, I thought
“Am I going to reach home alive”

Meanwhile I became your
Tution teacher too.
But I must admit,
I learnt a lot more from you.

With passing time, increase in classes,
the time we spent became lesser & lesser.
That childhood innocence is lost somewhere
Because of life’s pressure.

I know we don't share all the secrets
with each other indeed.
But I know, we will stand together
& stand for each other in need.

19 years & still counting.
So I have… a lot more to say.
But first of all let me tell you :
“Many Happy Returns Of The Day”

-Deepak Kumar Sahu
-दीपक कुमार साहू
07:15:29 PM


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