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with the warmth☣️ of teenage💥💗
I came infront of the one sided😋
A story which began with crawling,
And ended with pain and suffering.💔💘😭

Initially -
It felt
When I get merged in the crowd self,💑
A hoard of youth 🕺🕺
All dieing☠️ for the same reason ,
Everyone jealous looking
At those coupled👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 prison!!🌃

There came the turn of me,☢️
The moment I come to see,
The errant beauty😋 that has given birth
The one sided love inside me!😍😍

Think so, mistakenly we became friends,

& The spark of love took all its flame .💥
Slowly but steadily it had grown,
But till the last day I haven't shown.

I was in fear of the "IFF"😅😅
Yes or no of her yeild would  be the same,
But a :NO: with   INSULT would broke me
Forever and make me feel cheap 😭

At the end
with huge effort ,
I told her everything,
The next day,
And amazingly her YESS with smile😍😍😋😋👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
Made the ONE SIDED
The TWO SIDED way!!🏃💪💞💞.

`shiva rajak•🐣🐣🕊️



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