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A Rose For My Rose...


P.C. Sumeet Pruseth

Today when I opened my diary
I found in it, that rose.
I can see her face
In it, I suppose.

Time passed and colours have fainted
from my life's portrait
and even from the rose
as I looked at.

Some past memories
Still came near
Propelling in me
the hidden tears

I remember my birthday
when she gave that rose as a gift to me
she brought it with feelings
while others bought with money

I was moved by her smile
Her eyes were divine
Her face was bright
Just like the sunshine

The rose was truly,
A reflection of her
So, I took a vow
to preserve it forever

Mere that moment
I lost my heart
I went to propose her
fearing that she would depart

I was lucky that
She reciprocated the truth in my eyes
I was so glad that
I found myself in the seventh sky

That day we decided
long drive as our plan
As portraying flight of
A pair of swan

Suddenly the brakes failed
and the drive proved fatal
That rose fell down
with scattered petals

When I opened my eyes
I saw silence all over
And my rose lying there
with eyes closed forever

Time passed and today my rose
Is not with me at all
What I possess now
Is a broken heart and broken petals

Today is her birthday
I was on my way to meet her
I found the crowd and was
hard to hide my tears

Then an unexpected rain
concealed my tears
It was proved that
God is right up there

I went to the grave
with a "Rose for my rose"
Repentance of the past
was not the only purpose

I sat there and cried
more than ever
and said only three words
"Love You Forever".

-Deepak Kumar Sahu


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